15+ years developing brand name
TUFF Networks LLC is formed. Why TUFF? Because nothing could describe our security minded principles better. It's OK to be paranoid. Heavy lifting and ripping phones books makes us quite TUFF too
To da Clouds
We decided to take most services to the clouds. Migration of client servers scheduled and finished. Software as a Service solutions "SaaS". Increased focus on opensource solutions to servce you better.
Busy busy busy
VOIP practice grows by leaps and bounds. Security+VOIP= SUCCESS. We realized you can't have a successful VOIP platform without paranoia-like security. Lock it down. Shut the doors, do what it takes.
Another crazy year.
We're already into next year... that's how we roll. Deployment of multi-tenant VOIP solution and preparation for unprecedented growth. HaaS: Hardware as a service, don't buy any hardware again.